Sermon Series

​It is my great joy to bring messages to you 
every week.  There is nothing like sharing
the amazing and powerful Word o God to all 
of you!  When we allow the message of God's
grace and love to fill our hearts and minds 
miracles happen.  It has been my joy to see
that happen again and again!  I pray that
it will happen with you as well!
Pastor Allan Jahneke

New Sermon Series
"It Is Not Too Late!"

January 5, 2025  "It Is Not Too Late For A Fresh Start!"

January 12, 2025 "It Is Not Too Late To Share Your Story"

January 19, 2025 "It Is Not Too Late To Look Up!"

January 26, 2025 "It Not Too Late To Do What Is Right!"

New Sermon Series
"Seven Words From The Cross"

February 2, 2025   "The Word of Forgiveness"
"Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing!"

February 9, 2025   "The Word of Assurance"
"Today, you will be with me in paradise!"

February 16, 2025  Pastor Alan Klatt will preach during Pastor
                                Jahneke's absence.

February 23, 2025  Pastor Klatt will preach and Pastor Jahneke
                                will lead the worship service.

March 2, 2025         "The Word of Love"
"Dear woman, here is your son!"

March 9, 2025         "The Word of Substitution"
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

March 16, 2025      Pastor Klatt will preach and Pastor Jahneke
                                will lead the worship service.

March 23, 2025      Pastor Klatt will preach and Pastor Jahneke
                               will lead the worship service.

March 30, 2025      "The Word of Humanity"
"I am thirsty!"

April 6, 2025           "The Word of Victory"
"It is finished!"

April 13, 2025         "The Word of Trust"  (Palm Sunday)
"Father, I entrust my spirit into Your hands!"

April 20, 2025         "The Word of Celebration!"  (Easter Sunday)



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