Hi! As Pastor of NorthPoint Community Church I welcome you to not only this website but also to our worship services in Hartland, Wisconsin. We offer two styles of worship and our messages are powerfully relevant…and with no doubt the people are great!
We welcome you to our new worship facility which I call “The little church on the hill!” I said “new” but the church was built over 100 years ago. We are located at 400 W. Capitol Drive in Hartland. The contemporary worship is at 9:00 AM. Sunday School is during the 9:00 AM worship, except during the summer months! The children go to Sunday School following the opening of the worship service. Click on “sermons” to hear the most recent messages!
Pastor Allan A. Jahneke
Contemporary Worship at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.
New Sermons
Copyright 2006 - 2016 NorthPoint Community Church, Hartland, WI (414) - 491-3719
Great Programs for NorthPoint Youth
Christmas Eve Worship 4 PM