Statement of Faith
We believe in the triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We acknowledge one God in these three persons.
We believe that God the Father created the universe. He is loving, compassionate, just, and kind. His deepest desire is to live in an intimate relationship with all people.
We believe that, because of the desire to live in a relationship with us, God became a human being. Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, is fully God and fully human. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for all people to live in a relationship with God. We believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Through him and him alone can people enter into a relationship with God.
We believe that the Holy Spirit was active with the Father and the Son in the work of creation, spoke by the prophets, revealing God's promises of deliverance through His own Son, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was displayed at Jesus' baptism as he began his public ministry and empowered the church to proclaim the message of salvation and continues to enliven every believer in Christ to be active in the church's mission. The Spirit gives gifts to all believers equipping the church for its mission.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Through the Bible, God is revealed to us. The entire Bible is God-breathed and God-inspired. The Old and New Testaments are the guides upon which we base our faith.
We believe that the church, be it a local congregation or the worldwide fellowship of believers, is the body of Christ. As Christ's body, we are called to worship him, join together as his family, grow in the power of his Word, serve one another, and proclaim the Good News of God's love in Christ to the world.
We affirm the centrality of grace alone, faith alone, and Word alone!
We believe in and practice the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. We believe that through the waters of Baptism, God comes to us to adopt us as his children. Through Baptism, God gives the gift of new life. We affirm the baptism of infants.
We believe that through the Lord's Supper, God comes to love us and forgive us. It is a meal of renewal. In it we receive the real presence of Christ's own body and blood in, with, and under bread and wine. Jesus is really present in the meal giving us his forgiveness, his power over evil, and the assurance of eternal life.
We believe in the worth and value of the human being. Created in God's image, humans have dignity. Their worth is dependent not on accomplishments, but instead on God's love. Because God sees humanity as worth dying for, we affirm and acknowledge the dignity of humans.
At the same time, we acknowledge that humanity is separated from God because of sin. We joyfully proclaim the Good News that because of Jesus Christ, forgiveness is a possibility. It is that forgiveness that restores fallen humanity's worth.
We believe in and anticipate the return of Jesus Christ. Although we don't know the day or hour, we joyfully proclaim his return to inspire all people to make the most of life today.