Our Values
1. THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! We highly value the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ and seek to share that love with each other and the world.
2. THE PURPOSES OF GOD FOR THE CHURCH! We place a high value on the five scriptural purposes for which the church exists and therefore strive to balance those purposes, not neglecting the importance of each to the other so that we will be a healthy church.
3. PEOPLE! As Christ's church we seek to radiate a climate of warmth, acceptance, help, and hospitality to all people! We value all people and seek to treat them with dignity, respect, and love!
4. PRAYER! God calls his church to pray! We value God's call to us to bring our requests before him! Prayer sharpens our focus on God's eternal purposes and leads us to grow in the faith that God's will is all important. Prayer reminds us that we are all in a "process of becoming" as we lay all our concerns before our Father in heaven and ask His will to be done!
5. LEADERSHIP! We value the importance of leadership and hold that true leadership is founded in emulating Jesus Christ.
6. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY! We value the importance of creating an atmosphere that encourages bold dreams, creativity, risk-taking, and the freedom to fail for the sake of those things that we value as ministers of the Gospel.
7. EXCELLENCE! We value excellence, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality in every area of ministry and will act responsibly and lovingly to achieve it.
8. INTEGRITY! We value honesty, openness, fairness, and grace in dealing with one another. Prizing integrity, evaluation is welcomed and important!
9. WORSHIP! We value the importance of worshiping in spirit and in truth and accept diversity of style in formal worship for the sake of saving some. We value that in our worship God's presence is before us, His forgiveness is offered, His love is experienced, His purposes are revealed, and His power is displayed.
10. OUTREACH! We value loving unbelievers the way Jesus loved them and therefore take our cue from Jesus for our ministries.
11. EMPOWERMENT! Ministry exists to empower, therefore we value the opportunities God provides to empower people for the sake of the Gospel.
12. COMMITMENT! We value the importance of helping people grow in their commitment to the Lord. The church is called to a life of discipleship. We value the commitments people make to God!